Siena: Palazzo Pubblico Entry Ticket




Delve into the heart of Sienese history and culture by visiting the Civic Museum, nestled within the majestic Palazzo Pubblico. As you wander through the grand halls, marvel at the exquisite frescoes that adorn the walls, showcasing the region's rich artistic heritage. Take a moment to step out onto the Loggia dei Nove, where breathtaking vistas of the rolling Sienese countryside await, offering a serene contrast to the bustling city.

Step into the iconic Palazzo Pubblico of Siena and uncover the secrets of the Civic Museum with this convenient entry ticket. Housed within the 13th-century palace, the museum is a treasure trove of fresco paintings that adorn the walls, waiting to be discovered. As you wander through the exhibits, you'll delve into Siena's rich history and marvel at the precious artifacts on display. Redeem your voucher at the ticket office and start your journey in the Sala del Risorgimento. This room is a masterpiece, with vibrant frescoes that bring to life the story of Vittorio Emanuele II, Italy's first king. Next, stroll into the Sala di Balìa, where you'll be surrounded by stunning 15th-century wall paintings crafted by Spinello Aretino and Martino di Bartolomeo. The Sala dei Cardinali is another highlight, where intricately carved coffers safeguard precious relics. Your journey continues in the majestic Sala del Concistoro, famous for its Beccafumi vaulted ceiling, and Taddeo di Bartolo's captivating 15th-century chapel. The grand Sala del Mappamondo awaits, the largest room in the Palazzo Pubblico, which once served as the meeting hall of the General Council. Be sure to gaze upon the sublime Maestà, a Gothic masterpiece painted by the renowned Simone Martini. As part of your museum ticket, you'll also gain access to the 14th-century Loggia dei Nove, an impressive gallery offering breathtaking views of the landscape behind the Palazzo Pubblico. Take in the scenery and soak up the history that permeates every corner of this incredible edifice.