Oratory of San Rocco

Via di Vallerozzi, 63-73. (Open Map)


The Oratory of San Rocco is a small religious building, property of the Contrada della Lupa, a ward in north Siena, since 1789. The brick façade has an oculus with a 16th-century statue of St Roch, and a travertine marble tympanum. 

The interior and the apse are frescoed in the 17th century. The chapel of San Rocco has a 16th-century polychrome terracotta statue of its namesake, and is decorated by frescoes on the Life of St Roch by Crescenzio Gambarelli  and Rutilio Manetti. The baptismal font was designed by Giovanni Barsacchi, and is decorated with a she-wolf (Lupa) emblem (1962) by Emilio Montagnani.