Palazzo Chigi-Saracini

Via di Città, 89. (Open Map)


The Palazzo Chigi-Saracini is a historical palace in Siena that houses the Accademia Musicale Chigiana.
It was built by the Marescotti family in the 12th century. It was the house of Count Galgano Lucarini Saracini and then it became property of Fabio Chigi Lucarini Saracini. The palace is described as a "Gothic beauty with a curved facade and back courtyard."

In the mid-twelfth century, the Marescotti noble family of Siena erected the tower that still stands today next to the castle. Their emblem (an eagle with outstretched wings) is still visible on the trefoil windows of the facade.
In 1506, the Piccolimini Mandoli family acquired the building and significantly altered it in the spirit of the Renaissance. This can be seen in the cortile and the loggia.

In 1770, Marcantonio Saracini undertook a restoration of the building that lasted until 1824, when Galgano, his son, inherited it. Preserving the original Gothic façade, the castle matches the characteristic curvature of the Via di Città where it is located. The interior is renovated and modernized by Agostino Fantastici, and art collections are added.

In 1877, after the Saracini bloodline ends, another family of Siena inherits the castle. Fabio, the new owner, dies in a hunting accident passing the castle on to his nephew Guido. Count Guido Chigi Saracini, the castle’s last owner, restores the building’s exterior and interior with the help of architect Arturo Viligiardi (especially the rococo style concert hall). In 1932, he founded the Chigiana music academy to which he bequeathed the building after his death in 1965.

In 1506, the mandolin Piccolimini acquire the building and significantly alter the spirit of the Renaissance as seen on cortile and loggia.

In 1770, Marcantonio Saracini undertakes a reorganization which lasted until 1824, when his son inherits Galgano. Maintaining the original Gothic façade matches the characteristic curvature of the Via di Città where the palace is located. The interior was renovated and modernized by the bedrooms Agostino Fantastici, and collections of works of art are installed.

In 1877 Saracini family being extinct, is another family of Siena which inherits the palace while keeping the original name. Fabio, the owner then dies in a hunting accident and his nephew Guido inherits. This is the last owner, Count Guido Chigi Saracini, which restore the exterior and interior by architect Arturo Viligiardi (especially the concert hall in rococo style). He founded in 1932 the Chigiana Musical Academy in which he bequeathed the building to his death in 1965.